IVillage Anti-Viral Campaign – Part 2

admin // July 13 //0

The antiviral kits have been carefully selected to be both child-friendly and environmentally friendly. Being both child-friendly AND environmentally friendly is not usually observed in the regular conventional masks. Being kid-friendly makes life easier for parents with hyperactive children who want to run about, and being environmentally friendly allows us to make a small contribution to a healthier and safer mother earth.

How are they ideal for kids?

Children differ from adults in that they lack a sense of right and wrong, leading them to do things that are potentially harmful to themselves. This is especially dangerous if they are wearing masks. They can be more easily exposed to the virus if the masks are dropped or not worn properly.

  • You don’t need to be a 24/7 surveillance for your kids. Them potentially dropping the masks still won’t do any damage as the anti-viral masks keep guarding the protection values of the masks just as a new one.
  • There is no need to constantly sanitize your children as the kit keeps them protected always.
  • Organic cotton makes it easier to wear and remove so there is no space for not wearing the masks properly or any difficulties while removal.
How are they safe for the environment?

Protecting the environment has always been one of humanity’s primary concerns. With dwindling resources and rising global temperatures, the use of environmentally friendly products is becoming increasingly popular. It’s usually a good idea to look for environmentally friendly and organic items. Here’s how the antiviral kit helps to make the world a better place:

  • The fabric is made of cotton which is environmentally safe
  • It is reusable and washable
  • It is totally biodegradable and there is no plastic used in the making
Where are they available?

They are available on the website,
or on amazon https://cutt.ly/ibNBZHm.

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