World NGO Day

admin // February 24 //0

World NGO Day: Celebrating the Power of Non-Governmental Organisations

Explore the impact of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in addressing global challenges and promoting sustainable development. Learn how NGOs collaborate with stakeholders to achieve meaningful change on World NGO Day.

Collaborating for Meaningful Change: NGOs’ Strengths in Mobilising Resources

It was on February 27th, 2010 that the World Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (WANGO), an international non-profit organisation recognized that NGOs often operate in challenging environments and face various obstacles to their work, such as funding limitations, bureaucratic barriers, and political opposition. To raise awareness and to celebrate their contributions to the society, World NGO Day was established. Since then, the day has been celebrated annually, all across the globe, bringing together NGOs, government agencies, civil society organisations, and individuals to recognize the achievements of NGOs and to discuss ways to strengthen their impact. Each year, World NGO Day is celebrated with a different theme, highlighting the diverse issues that NGOs address and their importance in advancing social justice, environmental conservation, and healthcare worldwide.

Recognizing the Contributions of NGOs and Their Dedicated Individuals

Pardada Pardadi Educational Society is one of the many NGOs in our country today breaking the cycle of poverty and gender discrimination through education and women’s empowerment. Based in Anupshahr, Uttar Pradesh the organisation was established back in 2000. Since then, operating on the principle of self-reliance, through its education, women empowerment and microfinance programs, the society has impacted thousands of lives directly and indirectly.

Making women “Atma Nirbhar” has been the sole objective of the organisation. In their free of cost schools, girls are not only provided access to exceptional education, but are also prepared for becoming working professionals of tomorrow through vocational training. Through IVillage, which is the economic empowerment wing of Pardada Pardadi Educational Society, hundreds of women have found their way into the workforce and are now economically independent, either supporting their family income or being the sole breadwinners of their family. They are also constantly educated about their rights and are getting empowered. To further the goal of economic empowerment, the society also launched its microfinance program for women to obtain small loans and start their businesses. Being able to assist women in escaping poverty and achieving independence makes this programme particularly significant.

Pardada Pardadi Educational Society has received several awards and recognitions for its efforts in promoting education and women’s empowerment. These include the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Award for Best Practices and a National Award for Excellence in Education from the Government of India. These recognitions are a testament to the society’s dedication to creating positive change in the region.

How Can You Support NGOs’ Work? Volunteering, Donations, and Advocacy

While NGOs do a tonne of good to the society, their functioning is possible only through the continued support of the people. It becomes the very duty of everyone as citizens of the country to contribute in whatever means we can to the betterment of the society. One can always volunteer, make donations of any amount and create awareness at one’s personal level and stand as supporters of the cause. 

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